When and Why Do You Retire RINs?
The following are a few scenarios…
You’re an obligated party, and you must retire for compliance/RVOs:
- exporting renewable fuel out of the US
- importing diesel or gas into the US
- refining fossil fuels in the US
You’re not an obligated party but the renewable fuel/biofuels are being used for something other than transportation, heating oil or jet fuel. Example: if the biofuel is being used for dust control, the RINs associated with those gallons would need to be retired.
Currently, under the Renewable Fuel Standard, if biofuels are being used in maritime operations within US waters, the RINs can be used. However, for an ocean-going vessel, the RINs associated with those gallons need to be retired as it is equated to the fuel leaving the US. A bill recently introduced could affect this specific RIN retirement requirement, allowing for RINs to be viable in ocean-going vessels.